Models’ feedback

Here is a section dedicated to the Models, those thanks to whom TVR has established its reputation! Many of you already showed us a lot of gratitude and I constantly received feedbacks from some of you telling me how well you feel being part of The Velvet Rooms.

Why not sharing it with potential Models who are interested in joining our beautiful website? For many of them, picking the right advertising portal can be a challenge. Help them making the right decision by giving them a little hinch of your experience! We should be supportive with each other in this industry and have a „give and take“ philosophy. Let’s attract the great girls who will feel reasured by your words and your experience as an Escort in Switzerland and who will dare contacting us!

Thank you dear Models for your trust, your support and contribution and never forget this : TVR is mainly about you! ;-)


What our Models think about The Velvet Rooms:

27 / 02 / 2023 22:18
Hello Again!! Gladly say that is almost an year since I have joined the TVR team and I want to say that I’m very honored and happy to make part of such an amazing team! I feel very comfortable and all it’s really great! I did my best decision to come to Switzerland and meet such great persons and have so much fantastic encounters! I thank you Janet for all the support and the help and the patience for all of us! You know already that I’m always very grateful for have this chance to be in this place where I can feel good and all to be naturally! I enjoy it and TVR its the perfect place for me! Best regards! Beatrice ??
27 / 02 / 2023 14:13
My name is Dana and approximately two years ago, in the midst of a pandemic, I decided to embark on this adventure. I was very clear that I wanted to do this job but I was also very clear about how I wanted to do it. After much searching, I found TVR. I really liked the presentation of the page and the concept that Janet had about this job and this industry. I contacted her and immediately noticed that I had found the right place, a place that resonated a lot with my way of seeing this work. At first it took me a bit to understand how to work, since it is a unique system, and a new country for me, but today I have to say that I do not think I could do this job if it were not in this way and with this organization . The treatment received by the entire TVR team, the communication between colleagues, the tranquility and security that TVR offers and the concept it offers is something that you cannot find in other agencies or pages. To this day I feel grateful and comfortable. Big hug Dana ?
27 / 02 / 2023 10:45
Hello,everyone ? It's been almost 5 years since I joined this team. TVR family.Years that have passed ,I don t know when..years that have been beautiful but with hard times.Being a beautiful and strong team ,we have faced a pandemic.Years in which we have met wonderful people,who stayed or who were just passing by. As you know or in case you are not up to date with the news,the last few months have come with a beneficial change for me and that is thanks to Janet and Pascal! A few months ago wanting to change something about my self,about the future..I accepted Janet' offer to help each other. That s how I started to take care of the weekend changes,to take care of and help our beautiful girls.It is not easy because this comes with an amount of responsabilities .Now I understand Janet and applaud her for her patience and promptness from the beginning until now. Thank you Janet,thank you Pascal ?for you patience with me ,for the mistakes that have been and probably will be made.Thank you for the opportunity to do something else more beneficial for my future. Thank you to the girls,who stayed and to those who left.Thank you being close to me and giving me support and understanding .I hope to have an open relationship based primarily on mutual respect. Thank you to the gentlemen who respect us,are loyal and appriciate quality.Tha k you? I wish you a beautiful day and a much better and prosperous year compared to past years. Kisses ? Selena
09 / 01 / 2023 16:57
Dear readers, I'm Edra and i have been part of the TVR family for almost a year now. In this period of time i have found support and stimulus in this field that is new to me and not at all simple. I play the role of Digital Marketing assistant and as soon as the new concept is active i will help launch the new TVR 3.0 platform, helping to increse TVR's exposure. Certain that it will be a positive and prosperous year. Best regards, Edra
01 / 09 / 2022 15:54
As one of the latest Models for TVR, i wish to come to you with a few words after this extraordenary jouney so far. Precious, the Places we can offer an independent Service in a sensible Aera called Sexwork. Why so, risk such secure Places for low needs? Running a Business like TVR means, to imagine every day searching for the best and do it. Otherwise, we risk to fail in a second. So Sensibility for what we are doing and How we do it is the mane character of TVR. For all of us, Models and Gentlemen. If you imagine hyering for your dreamjob in a Storytelling Company, where Visions become reality each day... would you mask your personality? would you risk to loose trust? Trust is a dual energie. Placed within yourself and given to something or someone you feel connected to. It is not just about your needs. It is the basic to run as a Team in the same direction, keep in communication and face the future: such as unforgettable nice appointments or visionary projects with this bond of support by TVR, including Realising the FORCE to MAINTAIN this world of TVR. Thank you Janet! It is an Honor to work with you. TVR, is made by people for people. Is made every day, with a great heart strenght - professionality and a huge amount of nowledge to face millions of details. Joining TVR means to search for a authentic - ServiceCompany which reaches sensible Goals in both ways for Models and the Gentlemens. In Japan they call a Precise " WABISABI". Breath with that. Sasha
07 / 08 / 2022 01:25
Hello Ladies ☺️ ! I decided to leave a comment today because I know how difficult it is to trust what we see and find in this jungle called internet. In general, and especially in this industry, the reality is far below our expectations ! So if my opinion can help you make the right decision, I would be delighted ! I am new to The Velvet Rooms but sometimes it doesn't take long to know that you are in the right place. And I knew from my first exchange with Janet, about two months ago, that it was the case ! I was already reassured by what I had read on her site and this feeling only increased as our exchanges continued. Janet takes all the time necessary to reassure you, to advise you, to guide you, whether it's on the phone during the first contact, during the first meeting if you decide to take the plunge and afterwards during your collaboration. Because yes ladies, it is a collaboration, you will not feel like a number as in many agencies in this field. At TVR you work hand in hand with Janet, with a common goal. Janet has the sensitivity of a woman, which is a real asset in this industry to feel supported, understood and treated fairly. While we always want to provide an unforgettable experience and make guest satisfaction a priority, it is still very nice to feel that our voice counts. Ladies, you can be sure that you will meet gentlemen who will treat you as we should always be treated ! As a token of respect for our work, Janet will always choose quality over quantity. By joining her agency, you are assured of being able to welcome these gentlemen in the best possible conditions, in clean, discreet apartments with everything you need at your disposal and where the feeling of security will never leave you ! This serene environment allows you to focus on the essentials and to give the best of yourself during your meetings with the gentlemen ! I am grateful to have found Janet, to be able to evolve in a relation of trust and support, both material and moral, which is essential to find one's place and to feel good in this profession. Because yes, this job is exciting and can allow you to meet beautiful people every day, but it is not always easy depending on the conditions and it is very important to be well surrounded ! So ladies ! What are you waiting for ? Join the adventure ! Thank you Janet and thank you TVR team ! And thank you ladies if you have reached the end of this message and sorry for my English ?. Wish you all the luck and hopefully meet you soon ! Take care, Abigaïl ?
03 / 08 / 2022 23:25
Hello there ! I’m trully happy of being a member of TVR team. I joined two years ago and I can confirm this is from far the best opportunity I had in this business. No more stress about who I will meet, about how I will organize everything. It makes everything a lot safer and stressless. Transparency, security, professionalism, exigency and respect are the key words to define TVR ! Thank You Janet ! Best, Emilia
18 / 06 / 2022 13:23
Dear reader! I wanted to share my feelings and experiences with you of Janet and TVR. It has been four years since I had the pleasure of getting to know a great woman and her beautiful, unique agency, and my satisfaction is just growing year by year... It's hard to express the gratitude and pleasure that I feel for having Janet in my life, because it was through her that I started to see this business through a different (more colourful) glasses 4 years ago. I felt from the beginning that I could count on her and I knew that I arrived at a very special place that played very soon an important role in my life. I have received a lot of valuable attention and help over the years, which has always made my job easier. Much more than I asked for and expected. And from the clients respect and kindness has been always given. They are just great here...:-) It is very rare to find a place (whether in my personal life or at work) where years go by without conflicts, but I found it! Before joining Tvr, I had experience in other agencies, but this is the only place where I have everything I need to work in a calm, harmonious environment and to welcome guests in clean, well-equipped apartments. Choosing TVR was definitely the best decision 4 years ago!:-) Best, Chloé
16 / 06 / 2022 20:44
Hello, i’m Beatrice! I’ve arrived in the middle of April and this has been my first experience in Switzerland joining the TVR team. I don’t want to sound repetitive but as other girls mentioned I felt comfortable from the very first moment I arrived and Janet has been a person I could rely on during my staying. The locations are always clean, discreet and with everything you need nearby. The gentlemen are nice, attentive and enjoyable. I’m glad I made the choice to join TVR and I intent to come for as long as I can. Kind regards and hopefully see you! ;)
16 / 06 / 2022 13:59
Hello everyone. I joined TVR few years ago. I like how well organised everything is. I love the website,the blog, the elegant description of every model on the website. As for the locations-they're really good, clean, fancy decorated and discreet. Janet and TVR team are professional, friendly and well-organised. Working with this agency makes me fell safe and taking care of. And last but not least-the quality of the guests. You can really feel the difference between meeting a gentleman from TVR and other places. So I was not thinking twice of joining TVR because quality over quantity philosophy really pays off.
02 / 05 / 2020 00:47
When I saw a bookmark with reviews of the ladies, I was very positively surprised. Since I became a part of TVR, I felt threated uniquely from the very beginning and the opportunity where you can read my words is also for me something moving and showing, that this team create not only the beautiful ladies, but also wonderful personalities with opened for gentleman hearts. But maybe I'll start from the beginning and from this point I'm sorry if my opinion will be too long (ech, these who had opportunity to know me better saw that sometimes I have problems with too much talking :) ): Before I got to TVR, I didn't have too many good experiences with the agencies for gentlemen. The reality was often much different than it was presented on the website... Till today I remember my forst call to Janet. Actually I didn't know whom I should expect on the second side and I was very stressed. It turned very quickly, that my fears were unfounded. Janet turned to be a warm-hearted, caring woman who dispeled all of my doubts and answered on even the most detailed questions. I called her with an aim only to get any information- I finished the call with our meeting in Switzerland the next month! It was the most spontaneous decision I probably did previous year- but also the best. Till today in fact not many changed in my good feeling towards TVR. Because of my academical lifestyle, I'm not too often in Switzerland- but when I have this opportunity to come, I know I'm in a good hands. This, what Janet with her team give me everyday, is helping with every single problem, good communication with mutual trust, but first of all- the sense of security I get every day. I do not feel here like "the next girl"- no, in Velvet Rooms every girl is threated in an unique way and our feelings are respected, which is very important for me. So from this point I want to thank Janet and the rest of the team once again for this care and the interest in me I get from you at every time. You even cannot imagine how grateful I am to be the part of this team! But most of all, this community would be never so good if not you, my lovely gentlemen. The time I can spend with you intensifies the feeling that makes, that I am going back every time to Switzerland with a very big smile on my face. Thank you, that means a lot for me! And I'm also grateful and full of admiration to everybody who survived in reading my review till this point. ;) Hoping to see you soon! Yours, Ivy
01 / 05 / 2020 22:28
Hello!! ☺️ I’m Rosie??? i have not be working sitll in TVR but Janet talking about the great team and the Top locations. I can’t wait to meet with this beauty place And fantástic people. Hoping to get there soon Wheb can fly to Zurich I send some Love And Kiss ???
30 / 04 / 2020 14:59
Hallo my dear ☀️ It has been a year now since I joined “The Velvet Rooms” and I finally have the opportunity to leave a comment. I would like to thank you here for everything, for your trust and the discretion that is given to me. This applies to the agency, as well as to you dear gentlemen. You give me a lot, I can't put it into words. I am delighted with everyone I have been able to get to know so far. I finally found an agency where I really feel comfortable. Janet does her job really well and is always 100% available for me. Every gentleman can confirm that. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. You can rely on Janet and her locations are all TOP. Let's be honest, discretion is very important to all of us. I really appreciate that Janet provides us with very discreet spaces. Well, what can I say, I am really looking forward to returning to Switzerland soon and I wish you all stay healthy. In Love, Lucy?
29 / 04 / 2020 14:44
Hello! :) I have been working for TVR for some time and I have nothing to complain about. Thank you Janet and the Team for being in this company. Janet is smart and can take care of her girls. TVR is a great opportunity to work in a friendly environment. Thank you for everything you have done for me so far. I wish you all the best With love, Rose.?
28 / 04 / 2020 22:55
Hello. Im really happy to be part of The velvet rooms. Janet is so sweet and amazing. Whole team in tvr is over all super professional . Swiss gentlemen are also amazing and really gentlemen. This team is srsly dream team and working with them feels like privilege.
24 / 04 / 2020 23:19
Hello dear team! I would like to say thank you very much for everything. i’m so happy to be the part of this amazing team. i’m so happy that I have met in my life Janet.She’s very very intelligent,Cute. every moment she’s with us with girls. I was so happy to visit with amazing City’s Amazing apartments and also to meet very nice Gentlemens.I am so waiting for the moment when I can come back in Switzerland. I can recommend it for every girl to be a part of this great team.You have here everything. perfect Internet site perfect Janet perfect team.Thank you very much one more time and I’m still waiting for the moment when we can see us with best regards.The best wishes Agatha.
23 / 04 / 2020 17:18
Hi there, When I was acknowledged about the possibility to leave a feedback I was really surprised and pleased since I’ve never seen a site in the Adult Industry offering an insight from the models’ prospective, which tells a lot about how much TVR rely on a concept of transparency and veracity. My fellow colleagues have already left nice reviews and I wouldn’t want to rewrite the same things, being aware this message is going to be benefit from both readers (I usually get asked a lot about clients how I’m doing in this team - yes, they care!! -) and potential new girls (when I was about to join it would have been for sure helpful having these comments) I would like to take my chance to write something useful for them in order to understand a bit better what you are asked for as a Model and what to expect. First let me specify that I joined around the end of October 2019 and came the first time in November, so far I’ve been in Switzerland with TVR 5 times with no experience at all in this business. What I came across it’s just what the site promises, which is professionalism, commitment and high standards. TVR team is going to give all the help you need to start with the ultimate goal of full independence but be aware that is going to ask a lot in return in terms of quality of services. I’m still learning and striving as well for the best but I had myself some moments of insecurity, I’m confident to say that you are going to find for sure (as a client and a model) a “rendezvous point” where you are going to be helped with your doubts, questions and insecurities of any kind. Overall mine wants to be a positive evaluation of a site/team which puts a lot of dedication and devotion! Kisses, Melissa.
23 / 04 / 2020 10:55
Hello everyone.I joined on TvR ago 2 and a half years ago.Here i found a great team ,a material and moral support as i have not met before.Start from locations and tips on how to work professionally,everything is impeccable. Personally i am glad that i found such a team where everything is based on trust and help.I am glad that i can be part of the TVR family.I can t wait for this pandemic pass so i can return but until then we hope that everything will return to normal and will pass over healthy. Kiss from Selena!!!!
23 / 04 / 2020 00:31
Hello everyone! :) I would love to share with you my feeling about being a member of TVR team. I realized from the start that I found an well-ogranized team , that would help me even more than I wanted. Working with Janet is one of the best thing that ever happened to me ! I really can't wait to come back and start again... So, see you soon! :-D All the best from Christal! ?
21 / 04 / 2020 20:02
I can't wait to join the team because it's like finding a lost family I've always wanted to find. I already feel very comfortable and can't wait to start working together. It is exactly according to my ideas, sometimes I wonder if it is possible to find such a great agency after previous experience. TVR has the same spirit as me - elegance, precision, perfectionism. What the escort should look like. Lots of Love Vivienne
21 / 04 / 2020 14:59
I’m really happy to be part of the TVR team. I can say that my experience with TVR, Janet and her team is really great. From the beginning they treat me in a warm and professional way. It’s has been a really a pleasure working with this agency. They always care about our needs and feel concerned about our well-being. I hope I can be a part of that agency for a long time as I honestly feel: calm, protected and happy. For me every trip I made to Switzerland to work with TVR were great days. I love working with Janet. I hope to return soon.
21 / 04 / 2020 14:51
Dear TVR, Finaly I have the opportunity to leave my comment on the website. And I am thrilled! My personal oppinion on TVR couldn't be better. I mean, what do you do, if your dreams come true, else than jump out of joy? Sure, it's different, it's hard sometimes, but you allways feel, that someone has your back. And who doesn't want to be part of the high class consilium with so many beautiful, talented women? I surely do! Thank you for the possibility to join TVR and I am looking forward for the further cooperation. And I hope to see you soon, guys. I sort of miss you all. Be well <3
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