I visitet IVY end of last year (2019) twice in Opfikon. The exspectations raised by the special description and nice comments on the website were ewen exceeded at the first welcome. What surprised me than most, was the perfect mixture of seduction, tenderness, real passion and relaxed conversation. Everything of that happened, when i was exactly in the right mood for it. This seems crazy, but it is just amazing. Normally i love the "polygam" Variation in visits, but with IVY I had the feeling, that she gives despite all the sophisticated erotical Technique the visitor something of her heart and that one can fall in love to her without any danger or damage. At the first farewell i had also the feeling, one could also talk with the extraordinarily educated and cultivated Lady about God and the world in different ways. And so i had to visit her again shortly afterwards for a longer time. I was welcomed like a lover and bestfriend. In that time i had a lot of stress and annoyance in my profession. IVY felt that and she not only cheered me up, but with her art of love and erotical care she also made that my bad mood was blown away and i had new energy for the whole following week. This deserved ewen be payed from the thicknessinsurance.
And now i have also heared her amazing Audiomessage for the farewell. There she emphasized, that her visitors have hopefully been warmed from her heart. That's exactly, what i felt myself. Wow !
Because she also explained in her message, that she remembers all her gentlemans, i have to visit her as soon as possible, when she returns end of April. Such a audiofarewellmessage is probably unique in the lovebusinessworld but also very smart from her for her future success with ewen more gentlemans. I beleive IVY is not only an inspired and amazing Loveartist, but she will also succesfully finish her studies and make something out of her life in work or profession but also in personal relationship. I am sure this Lady will also succesfully manage the delicate balanceact between her time as outstanding courtesan or independent Velvetroommodel and "normal" life. She seems to be very loyal and grateful to the mangement of TVR and praised her "boss" Janet on my visit very much. For me, this would be also a woman for whole life, but as a slightly mature gentleman, i am better content with my family, because IVY also told me, that she never wamts to put in danger the happiness and the peace of a family. Dear gentlemans treat IVY with great respect and real generosity; she will give and reward you many times.