You have been together with your girlfriend/wife for a while now and you are missing the good old days, the days where you did not have to beg for getting a blowjob which has been one of your favorite pleasures. Those days when both of you were crazy in love, giving each other oral sex spontaneously, without even thinking too much about it… You now have the feeling that your partner has changed, and you are wondering why she does not give you the blowjob she used to perform so well in the past…?
Well, keep reading this article and find out a few reasons that might help you answer this tricky question and understand why the blowjob has disappear from your intimacy.
What is a blowjob?
Strangely enough, I am sure that almost everyone knows what a blowjob is, but only very few people could explain it properly. So, I am going to try and give a definition to those who are still wondering what a blowjob is. Practiced during the major phase of the sexual act, getting a blowjob is also popular during the foreplay. The blowjob is a form of oral sex and occurs when a person stimulates their partner's penis with their mouth, lips and tongue to produce pleasure and excitement, eventually leading to orgasm and ejaculation.
The (often abundant) saliva generated by the person giving the blowjob lubricates the act and helps to increase the arousal of the man receiving the blowjob. The person performing the blowjob will also accompany the sucking with rhythmic back-and-forth movements with his/her hand. The harmony of the whole often creates intense, addictive pleasure for a man.
Why men love so much receiving a blowjob?
It is a surprise to nobody: men cannot say no to a blowjob. And if it is a natural blowjob (without the use of a condom), it even increases their physical pleasure. Undeniably, the blowjob creates in many men a sense of intimacy and closeness with their partner, intensifying the overall sexual experience.
Because men are visual creatures, the vast majority of them love watching their partner giving them a blowjob. For them, the act is visually and psychologically arousing and greatly contribute to their sexual enjoyment.
Having his partner focusing on his own pleasure by giving him a blowjob is also a “selfish” feeling that men have and praise because they are not always able to express that wish outside of the bedroom.
Given that everyone now knows how important receiving a blowjob can be to a man's sexual well-being, why don't their partners give them any blowjob anymore/at all?
Your wife/girlfriend gives you no blowjob: here is why.
She never liked it
For those who are not completely aware of it, a lot of women simply do not like at all giving a blowjob to their partner. Because they might have been afraid of losing you at the early stage of your relationship, they might have done anything to keep you happy in bed, but they never truly enjoyed it and just could not tell you, of course!
You have stopped going down on her
When was the last time you gave her a proper cunnilingus? Why would she accept a one-way deal then? As much as you love being sucked, most women like oral sex being performed on them too. So, if you are remarkable at oral sex, show her!
She has resentment towards you
She works full time, gets home before you, takes care of the kids, prepares the meals and do the chores? Under these circumstances, why giving you a blowjob in bed should even cross her mind? Try to relieve from her some of that daily stress by pulling your weight in the family: she will feel like she is getting a break and will slowly ask for some more intimacy between you too.
She is not in love anymore
An Escort Girl can get very intimate with you without having feelings for you. She is a professional and that is part of her job. However, in a relationship, things are often the other way around; usually, the more intimate you get with your partner, the deeper and stronger is the love. Are you still having occasional sex with her, but it is kind of impersonal (no French kissing for example) and she does not ask for more? Well, if it is the case, she certainly will not be able to offer you a blowjob… She probably still loves you, but she is definitely not in love anymore, which, for us women, are two very different things.
It is taking you too long to ejaculate
As much as you can love receiving a blowjob, keep in mind that your partner will often do it mainly for your sole pleasure, because it turns you on. Think about her, the amount of work, the focus (her jaw !!!) that she must put into it in order to perform a great blowjob. If it takes you forever to cum, she will get sick of it. If you could figure out a way to cum in less than 10 minutes, your partner will surely be happy to keep on giving a regularly a blowjob…
Make her feel sexy!
When was the last time you told her she looks beautiful and sexy? When was your last romantic dinner together? Where are those days you used to court her, compliment her and make her feel desirable? Sorry guys but, no wife/girlfriend would muster up the energy to give you a blowjob if you can’t make her feel special and appreciated.
Show her that you love it
When she eventually gets to the point of giving you this long-awaited blowjob, do not lay there as if in a coma, not making a sound. How can she get the motivation to keep going? Be there, responsive, make some eye contact, tell her sweet words. Show her you are loving it! ;-)
While there are many reasons why your wife/girlfriend will not give you a blowjob anymore, she may also be one of those women who have never given a blowjob simply because the thought of it repels them. Yes, there are women who cannot stand the blowjob.
Why many women do not like providing a blowjob?
Don't get me wrong: many women like to give their partner a blowjob. However, there are also many who cannot stand it, and perhaps you gentlemen have already met a woman who has never agreed to give you a blowjob. The reasons that may explain some women's reluctance towards performing a blowjob can be motivated by intrinsic and/or extrinsic reasons. Let's explore these reasons together.
It is degrading
Some women see the blowjob as a degrading act. This makes them feel dirty and degraded as women. This feeling of does not make them feel good about themselves and makes them unable to imagine for a second giving a blowjob to a man.
No pleasure from it
A little further up in the article we saw that although women do not always enjoy giving a blowjob, the pleasure of seeing their partner enjoy themselves through a blowjob is often a source of pleasure for them. Well, there are women who not only do not enjoy giving a blowjob but who also do not enjoy seeing their partner enjoy themselves through this means.
Turned off by the fluid
The fluid that comes out of the penis when it is erect does urn off certain women who then will not be able to put their mouth on that dick.
Penis Smell
Even after showering, some penises continue to give off a very unpleasant odor that is obviously not conducive to encouraging a woman to give you a blowjob. She will always be put off by this smell. Gentlemen, not being clean in general will not make it easy to convince a woman to perform a blowjob on you.
It takes some physical conditions
Have you ever wondered how come certain women can keep their mouth open for that long? Well, not all of them are capable of that. And when it is about a big dick, you can imagine that it may even hurt…
Her education
Did you know that the education one received greatly influences our sexuality and our relationship to sex in general? Some girls may want to do it but feel ashamed, others, because of the way they were raised, will consider that the practice of blowjob is reserved for “dirty girls” whom they have nothing to do with.
Afraid not to perform well
From the women who are open-minded when it comes to giving a blowjob to their partner, they will nevertheless not do it not because they do not want it but rather because they do not confident enough in their oral skills.
Having a too dominant/aggressive sexual partner
Being forced by a partner to perform a blowjob or any other sexual practice without mutual full consent will have the girl dislikes this practice.
There are certainly many other reasons that could explain why for some women, giving a blowjob is disgusting. And when for a man, it is becoming clear that he will not get any more blowjobs from his partner/wife/girlfriend, what to do if it is something he really loves?
How to get a blowjob if not from wife/girlfriend?
Because it has been shown that dating sites (even for sex only) are increasingly difficult to navigate nowadays, choosing to meet an independent escort is often the solution for many men to get their blowjob.
But here too, you must be careful and read the description of their profile and the services they offer. Indeed, although blowjobs are offered by all escort girls in Switzerland, some only practice them with protection (condom). So, if you love receiving a natural blowjob, make sure that the escort girl you have chosen offers a full GFE service. If in doubt, do not hesitate to clarify the matter by asking her the question before confirming your appointment. The natural blowjob being popular with men (who seem to receive few/none from their partner), independent escorts who prefer not to offer this service could struggle more compared to girls ready to offer the natural blowjob that so many men are so crazy about.
Having sex and having oral sex are a bit different. Oral sex such as providing a blowjob is a much more personal thing. Although many women do not want to hear about giving a blowjob to their partner, a lot of them love it and when there is a real chemistry with that partner, it’s a staple!
For you gentlemen, remember that going to see an independent escort girl to spend an intimate moment and get that much desired blowjob is a solution that is both economical, discreet and that basically allows you to maintain the relationship you have with your wife/partner/girlfriend, without drama nor tensions. It is truly a triangular solution that suits all parties: your wife is happy because you no longer bother her with your desire for a blowjob, you are happy because you can pay for a blowjob at any time and incognito, the escort girl is happy to count you among her favorite loyal customers and to give you a delicious blowjob in exchange for financial compensation. Isn't that the ideal win-win scenario?
Janet – The Velvet Rooms
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