02 / 02 / 2020
5 Minute Read

Loverboys: poisoned love.

I always wondered why this hypocritical world tries to eradicate the oldest profession in the world rather than to realize that this mission is lost in advance and that we should rather focus on putting in place tools and means to control, regulate and protect women who choose to go this way of their own free will and prohibit / stop those who are forced to do so and therefore of course, their pimps.


And it is precisely there that things get complicated because when a girl is in love with the one who uses her as a "money machine" by physically and mentally oppressing her, it becomes very difficult to get hold of these unscrupulous men who strangely dominate the industry and do not seem to be worried by the authorities / laws put in place and which are supposed to condemn their acts.


What made me want to talk about the subject today is an anecdote that happened to me yesterday. A woman in her forties who I will call Sophie contacted me to join TVR. German, blonde, experienced, very friendly on the phone convinced me after an hour of conversation. I therefore sent her the information I needed to prepare for her visit. She sent me all the information in less than 2 hours, via Email (including very personal information). I replied 4 hours later and foud that she blocked me on Whatsapp. So I tried to contact her via my second number (via which she had originally called me) and asked her if everything was OK and immediatly, she is also blocked me on that phone. Absolutely incomprehensible attitude. I was speechless ... But on second thought, I don't think it was Sophie who blocked me ...

I have long wanted to write about the phenomenon of "Loverboys" without ever finding the right words to talk about this delicate subject. Here is what I can say about it today:


These "loverboys" have an ambiguous relationship with their "victims", whom they call their Girlfriend. Often threatening and violent, they know how to show a charming image of themselves and quickly have a hold on these women who over time end up becoming attached to them.

Indeed, the loverboy proceeds slowly. It’s a whole process that starts with attachment. He does everything to make his victim dependent on him emotionally, financially and physically (many of these girls become addicted to drugs because of these guys). The loverboy exploits his victim because he pushes her into prostitution. He pushes her to have paid sex with clients whom he can present as his friends.

This is how prostitution begins. He puts financial pressure on his victim by making her believe that he has debts to repay. He also uses emotional blackmail (if you don't do that, I'll leave you “). He can also use threats on reputation (If you don't do what I tell you, I publish these videos of you on the internet… “).

All young girls can fall into this trap, regardless of their social class. However, the younger the victim is, (who is emotionally deficient and inexperienced in love matters), the more vulnerable she is and the more likely she is to fall into the arms of a loverboy. Many of these young girls are physiologically vulnerable and have experienced sexual trauma during their childhood.

Loverboys often find their victims on social media but sometimes they have known their victim for a very long time ... Their goal: to make money quickly. It should be noted that the loverboys are very often themselves pushed by a very organized network which is above them.


I invite you to watch this 30-minutes report (in German) which will allow you to better understand what a Loverboy is:



This story reminds me of Jennifer… This 20 year old German girl of Greek origin, who came to TVR once for three weeks in 2018… Indeed, she said that she largely preferred working in Switzerland rather than in Germany. She said that by working in Switzerland, she would continue her studies, at least by correspondence. She wanted to come back and thanked me a thousand times for allowing her to come to work in Switzerland for the first time. Within a few days, she was already very popular at TVR.

After her sudden departure from Unterägeri (one of our location in the Canton of Zug) for a reason that made no sense to me, I never got the chance to talk to her again, I could never got back to her… Since then, I learned a lot and I changed my way to accept girls wishing to join TVR by devoting a lot of time (between 1 and 2 hours) to dialogue before even considering their application.

Towards the end of the interview, the therapist is asked if "voluntary prostitution" exists. She is hesitant, stutters and dares not answer sincerely. Because yes, voluntary prostitution exists. Not all prostitutes are victims. Of course, more than 80% are, but not all of them should be put in the same basket, and it is very important to emphasize this. Instead of wanting to eradicate the oldest profession in the world, we should legalize it by organizing and supervising it in order to deploy the means necessary to drive out forced prostitution.


At TheVelvetRooms, the introduction-chat that the ladies have to go through is also for me a way of feeling if she is there because she really wants to or if she is there against her will.

But what would even be better is if you Gentlemen, would ask yourself this question and choose to go to places where you know that these ladies are not forced into this industry. Because in the end, without clients, there is no prostitution. Why do you, the customers, refuse to ask yourself these fundamentals questions? Clubs, Studios and many so-called "Flat-Rates" places are full of women who don't want to be there. Why be indirectly complicit in this form of human trafficking when other more ethical and fair alternatives are available to you? Why choose the devil? To save 100 or 150 CHF? But seriously, aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Janet for TheVelvetRooms

Another important website against Loverboys (in German) : http://www.no-loverboys.de

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