03 / 09 / 2019
3 Minute Read
12 tips for a better first contact with your clients !
How can you better understand your clients? Here are some tips that I hope will help you to better manage the first contact with your potential customers in order to help them feel more comfortable when they meet you for the very first time. Yes, many men need our encouragement to behave like real Gentlemen! :-)
Men fear rejection
What I think is the most important thing you need to know and understand is that men have difficulty living with failure, without necessarily admitting it. Some will need a lot of courage to call you or write an email, because they fear your reaction... So when HE finally contacts you, be pleasant, sympathetic, enthusiastic. This will blur his discomfort, give him confidence and the desire to go further and book an appointment with you.
Escorts are always "TOO" !
If they lack of self-confidence (and this is the case for many Escorts' clients...), they will have difficulty approaching a beautiful woman. They will probably think that you are in the category of the"TOO" girls: too beautiful, too attractive, too playful... And they won't dare calling you. This is the main reason why very pretty Escorts often have more difficulty working than those who are physically in the average.
Love yourself!
To be very attractive and appreciated, an Escort must first love herself, with her qualities, her defaults, her "imperfections". A woman who is comfortable with herself, who is comfortable in her skin, exudes seduction and happiness. It attracts attention and "good clients".
Lighten your make-up and perfume
Generally, men don't like women wearing too much makeup and who are over-scented. A discreet make-up and perfume, adapted to your personality, will have more effects on your clients.
Be comfortable !
When it comes to clothing, a golden rule always applies: wear elegant clothes (a beautiful dress or a skirt with a shirt without ever forgetting your high-heels!), in which you feel comfortable, which show your advantages without revealing everything and whose untimely overflows won't scare you (a skirt that will lift up at the slightest gust of wind to reveal your panties, for example). Let your natural charms be discovered, instead of exposing them...
Keep it simple
The "girl next door" is very popular with most shy men. Much more than just the way you dress, your attitude will show your simplicity, the one that seduces 7 out of 10 customers. Are you one of them?
Think about the details
Men are much more attentive to details than it seems. Flawless natural fingernails (feet and hands), beautiful lingerie, a towel available for him, mouthwash, some drinks for him, toilet paper in the bathroom, a shoe foot near the front door, the smell of your room.... It's all these little details that make the difference and will make him come back to you!
Just be yourself
The "Bimbo" or "Vamp" attract only a limited number of men, especially machos who want to strut a trophy... Certainly, the others will "salivate", but only for a few minutes! It is up to you, and only you, to choose the type of clients that suits you!
Goodbye princesses!
Remember that the "princess" type scares away Escorts' customers!
Have some conversation...
If you can only talk about one or two topics, your clients will quickly get tired of you. Be informed. Discuss topics that will surprise the Gentleman in front of you. Intelligence remains a good seductive asset for these Gentlemen and takes you to another level in the "Professional Companions" category.
Take an interest in him!
If there is a miracle recipe, it's this one: take an interest in your client! Men love it when people are interested in what they do, their hobbies, their desires. However, be careful to respect his comfort zone: never ask him direct questions about his private life, unless he is the first to initiate the conversation on one of these topics.
Some important figures
Remember this great principle: Statistically, out of 100 clients, you'll leave 85 indifferent. Of the remaining fifteen, half will not be attracted to your photos. The other half will want to know you and make an appointment with you. In a village of 200 inhabitants, 15 customers will be ready to come and see you. Imagine the number of interested Gentlemen in a big city!?
Remain positive, elegant, friendly and natural: that's what Gentlemen prefer! ;-)
Janet for
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